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You can’t manage what you haven't measured

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Corporate Footprint Reports

An in-depth analysis of your carbon emissions, identifying areas for improvement and empowering you to establish ambitious reduction targets.

Life Cycle Assessments

Understand the environmental impact of your products or services, from cradle to gate or cradle to grave. 

Carbon Modelling Services

Predict the carbon impact of future decisions in your business, for you, your team and your customers through a bespoke model.

Public Reporting

Adhere to PPN (06/21), SECR & TCFD requirements so you can demonstrate your commitment to sustainability, build stakeholder trust and secure funding.

Corporate Footprint Reports

Measure Your Environmental Impact

Our Corporate Footprint Reports provide businesses with a comprehensive analysis of their carbon emissions.
By measuring and reporting on your carbon footprint, you can identify areas for improvement and set ambitious reduction targets.

Key Steps

Boundary Mapping

Emmissions Identification

Data Collection

Data Review



Why do it?

Measuring your carbon footprint is a crucial first step towards reducing your impact on the environment.

By understanding your emissions, you can develop a targeted approach to cutting your carbon footprint, while also identifying opportunities for cost savings and operational efficiencies.

The framework for our corporate greenhouse gas assessment is supported by principals and requirements listed in ISO 14064-1. Aligning with Sustainable Development Goals 9 & 13 (i.e.  supporting climate action and industry, innovation & infrastructure) ISO 14064-1 provides a guide for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals.

Key Outcomes

Reduced energy costs

Increased operational efficiency

Improved brand reputation

Businesses we've helped calculate their impact:
Life Cycle Assessments

Streamline your products from cradle to grave

Our Life Cycle Assessments help businesses understand the environmental impact of their products or services.

By taking into account every stage of the product lifecycle, we can provide a comprehensive analysis of your environmental impact.

Key Steps

Boundary Mapping

Value Stream Mapping

Data Collection

Data Review



Why do it?

By understanding the environmental impact of your products or services, you can identify opportunities for improvement and make informed decisions about sustainability.

Life-cycle assessments are also increasingly important for meeting regulatory requirements and responding to stakeholder concerns.

The framework for our product lifecycle assessment is supported by principles and requirements listed in ISO 14040 and ISO 14067.

Aligning with Sustainable Development Goal 13 - supporting climate action - ISO 14040 provides the framework for carrying out a lifecycle assessment and ISO 14067 provides a guide for the quantification and reporting of a product's carbon footprint consistent with international standards.

Key Outcomes

Improved product sustainability

Increased market appeal

Improved stakeholder relationships

Products and services whose impact we've calculated:
Carbon Modelling Services

Future proof your business and customer

Our Carbon Modelling services provide businesses with a predictive tool for assessing the impact of future decisions on their carbon footprint.

By modelling different scenarios, businesses can identify the most sustainable path forward and make informed confident decisions about the future.

Key Steps

Data Collection

Develop Scenarios

Thorough Analysis

Identify Targets

Why do it?

Carbon modelling is an essential tool for businesses looking to plan for a sustainable future.

By understanding the impact of different decisions on your carbon footprint, you can identify the most sustainable path forward and set ambitious reduction targets. 

Potential Examples
  • Modelling specific parts of net-zero strategies 
  • Custom internal carbon footprint calculators which help your employees or customers make more sustainable choices in the context of your business
  • Creation of emission calculators for websites 

    Key Outcomes

    Improved stakeholder relationships

    Increased transparency

    Companies we've created carbon modelling systems for:
    Public Reporting

    Meet Your Regulatory Requirements

    Our PPN (06/21), SECR, and TCFD services help businesses to meet their regulatory requirements and respond to stakeholder concerns.

    By providing a comprehensive analysis of your carbon footprint and sustainability initiatives, we can help you to meet reporting requirements and build stakeholder trust.

    Key Steps

    Data Collection

    Analyze Data

    Prepare Reports

    Develop Strategies

    What are they?

    PPN (06/21) stands for Procurement Policy Note 06/21, which is a UK government policy that requires certain public sector organizations to report on their carbon emissions and demonstrate progress towards achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. 

    SECR stands for Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting, which is a UK government regulation that requires certain businesses to report on their energy use and carbon emissions annually. The regulation applies to large UK incorporated companies, LLPs, and large unregistered companies. 

    TCFD stands for Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, which is a global initiative that provides a framework for companies to disclose information about climate-related risks and opportunities in their financial reporting. The aim is to provide investors and stakeholders with the information they need to make informed decisions about the long-term sustainability of a company. 

    Why Do It?

    Meeting regulatory requirements is essential for building stakeholder trust and demonstrating your commitment to sustainability. By working with us to meet your PPN (06/21), SECR, and TCFD reporting requirements, you can build a strong foundation for sustainable growth. 

    Key Outcomes

    Reduced energy costs

    Increased operational efficiency

    Improved brand reputation

    Businesses we've helped meet sustainable regulatory requirements:

    Here's what our clients are saying about our calculation services...

    Why Calculate with MyCarbon

    At MyCarbon, we offer a flexible and collaborative approach to sustainability. Whether you're just starting your journey or have specific needs, we can tailor our services to meet your requirements.

    MyCarbon's Client Community

    Our clients are making a huge impact already. Time to join them?

    Tonbridge : Harnessing Sustainability and Educating the Next Generation

    Tonbridge boys’ boarding school isn’t just committed to its own net-zero journey, but also inspiring and educating the next generation on sustainable living.

    Trainline: Navigating Emissions Beyond the Track

    Trainline were on a journey to calculate and reduce their carbon footprint, offset emissions and gain SBTi approval for their net-zero goals – all while navigating the complexities of emissions generated via their digital advertising.

    Net-Zero Pakistan : Decarbonizing Pakistan’s Textile sector

    Net-Zero Pakistan (NZP), a coalition of industrial players primarily in Pakistan’s textile sector, faced challenges of measuring and reporting their Green House Gas (GHG) emissions to set net zero targets aligned with the ambitious Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).